
How does news shape the way we see the world?

Distorted, bloated, and not representative of what is happening.

Too often, American commercial news is myopic and inwardly focused.

This leads to a severe lack of global news. And increasingly, a shortage of “enterprise journalism” – journalistic depth built over time through original sources – that provides the context and enables thoughtful response.

Too often, the news sticks to crime, disasters, infotainment, and horse-race politics. Many important topics such as education, race and ethnicity, science, environment, and women and children’s issues are oen less than 5% of all news combined.

Much of widely-seen online news isn’t better – it’s often just re-circulates the same stories.

The result: much of our news can’t be called “knowledge media” – content that builds insight about our world.

It’s difficult to understand the world, if you haven’t heard much about it. But we also know many Americans want to know more.

Storytelling is powerful. It helps us understand, make choices and can inspire us.

Journalism as we know it is in trouble. The old models don’t serve us anymore with the content we need. Now is our chance to make it better.

By investing aggressively and entrepreneurially in the future of knowledge media – in both journalistic reportage and in powerful storytelling, we can ensure that people get the fullest global perspective. The Time is Now.

~Alisa Miller


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