
I’ve been thinking about how big our world is and how small-minded we’ve become; how quick we are to judge and how slow to understand. Technology places the resources of the world at our fingertips, yet we have trouble seeing past the ends of our noses.

For every trend there’s a countertrend worth considering. Resolve to leave the screens of your virtual world momentarily behind, and indulge your senses with a real world adventure.

St. Augustine said: “The world is a book, and those who don’t travel read only one page.” My advice?

Adventure calls.
Blaze a new trail.
Cross a continent.
Dare to discover.
Escape the routine.
Find a fresh perspective.
Go slow; gaze absentmindedly and savor every moment.
Have some fun!
Invest now in future memories.
Journeys are the midwives of thought; Keep a journal.
Leave prejudice and narrow mindedness behind.
Make for the horizon and meet new people.
Navigate the unknown.
Observe, and open your mind.
Pursue a road less traveled.
Quest for truth.
Rely on yourself.
Sail away from the safe harbor;
Take a risk.
Unleash your curiosity.
Venture further.
Why wait? eXpect the unexpected.
Say Yes to adventure….journey with Zeal!

~Robyn Waters


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