Gymming daily

It’s been quite a long time that I blogged about anything. Always I think about blogging and it has always remained as a thought and passes by. Now I would like to capture these thoughts and give them some shape and actions.

I had been to a week long trip to south India during Christmas vacation last year, and post trip I always thought that I should spend some time and pen down my weeks memorable experience. Even my friends insisted me upon writing my experiences. I am not sure who to blame at. But definitely I am. Either I claim to be busy or really busy. May be too lazy to sit at a place and pen down my moments. I believe in the most famous quote by Paulo Coelho “When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” This, I’ve experimented, experienced and found that the results are awesome “just awesome” and nobody can really imagine. Some time if I look back at these results, I really enjoy them for the second time and maybe I’ll enjoy many more times in futureJ.

I am following Matt Cutts blog since a long time (may be when he started blogging) and about couple of months back he posted on his 30 days challenge. I am really impressed by his 30 day challenge and as far as I know, not everyone dares to do that. He has already completed his no sugar for 30 days and no iphone for 30 days. Thanks Matt, for this brilliant idea. This has really inspired me to take up this challenge of 30 days for my activities which I have been procrastinating for several days, months and years. I think this challenge will help me out to face how much of will power I hold towards that anything i really wish to do. I know it needs immense dedication, devotion, determination and be focused. Nevertheless, “nothing is impossible”.

To begin with, my first in the to-do list is: Gymming daily for 30 days starting April 1st. Like Matt said, "I’m not taking the attitude that if I miss this I’ve failed because emergencies do happen". I look forward to share my experiences. Let me see how this goes.

Friends, your suggestions are always welcome for my 30-day challenge.


Ramkumar said…
Hi Narayan,

Good to see your post (expected such very long back itself :) )
Your 30 day challenge is interesting, wishing you sucess with that.

May be I can suggest some more 30 day challenges to you - offline :)
Thanks Ram! Sure, I too have a long list... I'll be sharing it one by one through my blog.

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