
Confidence is rocket fuel for your business life. Confident people have a come-this-way charisma that generates a following. When you possess total confidence you are willing to take risks. When you have it, you propel yourself and your team forward into the future.

Problem: Most people don’t cultivate confidence – it just lands on them due to favorable conditions. I call this spot confidence. Good times make for confident people. Bad times crush them, along with
their daring point of view.

The secret to unbreakable confidence is a lifestyle of  motional/ mental diet and exercise.

1. Feed Your Mind Good Stuff

Stop reading negative information, listening to negative people or watching cable network news. You are loading up with fear. Replace
that information with studies about the future or an improved you. You’ll soon emerge as a solution provider instead of a Chicken Little.

2. Exercise Your Gratitude Muscle

Gratefulness is a muscle, not a feeling. You need to work it out daily. Every morning, give thanks to two people that helped you yesterday and one person that will assist you today. This will focus your mind on what you have, and you’ll soon realize you are not alone.

~Tim Sanders


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