
Showing posts from 2009

What A Dog Teaches

Thought of capturing this so that I can revisit this again :) A dog teaches us a lot of things, but we never seem to take notice. These are some of the lessons you might learn… · When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. · Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. · Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure   ecstasy. · When it’s in your best interest, practice obedience. · Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory. · Take naps and stretch before rising. · Run romp and play daily. · Thrive on attention and let people touch you. · Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do. · On warm days stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree. · When you’re happy dance around and wag your entire body. · No matter how often you’re scolded don’t buy into the guilt

Ferrari – Get Set Go…

Last weekend while I was driving, petrol indicator indicated approaching to empty fuel with yellow color. There was shell petrol bunk nearby and as soon as I parked my car for filling up my tank, a boy approached me with pamphlet on his hand. I scrolled down my car glass to check out what he was holding in his hand. He asked in polite voice “ Sir are you interested in buying Ferrari model cars?”, I was surprised, then I recalled this was mentioned by my BIL sometime back and even I was curious to have them. I just could not make it then, thinking the offer may not be valid now, so I had just left out. So after hearing from him again, I decided to go for all the Ferrari model cars which I missed out earlier. Now I can say “I am proud owner of Ferrari cars” ;).

Chaah nahin

They say childhood memories are golden memories for the lifetime. What you experience during the childhood you will always cherish those moments for lifetime and what you’ll learn will always remember for the life time. One such beautiful poem “Chaah nahin” written by Makhanlal Chaturedi always ring a bell in my ear whenever I go back to my childhood days. This is one of my favorite poem remained forever. Chaah nahin main surbala ke Gahanon men goontha jaon, Chah nahin, premi mala mein Bindh pyaari koa lalchaaoon, Chaah nahin, samraaton ke shav Par he hari, daalaa jaaoon, Chaah nahin, devon ke sir par Chadhoon bhagya par ithalaaun Mujhe tod lena vanmaali Us path par dena tum fenk, Matribhumi par shish chadhanen Jis path par jaayen veer anek ~ Makhanlal Chaturedi

The zoozoo mania

Always been fascinated and following the Vodafone (Hutch)ads. Either it may be the “Pug” earlier ad shown when it was known as “HUTCH” before taking over by Vodafone or let it be the funny animated cartoon characters so called “zoozoos” in the advertisements of Vodafone on tv during IPL matches are really innovative ones. These funny ads are not merely shot by so called brand ambassadors or filmstars or any cricketers but these are simple characters conveying right messages leaving a long lasting impression on the viewers mind (including me :-)). Already zoozoo has attracted 60,000 fans in facebook and many more to go. Who are these zoozoo? Are these humans or animated characters? These characters that has attracted immense popularity among the viewers, IBN CNN unviels zoozoo who are none other than humans who plays the funny characters.